Grape varietals
The Aligoté is the only grape variety in the Bourgogne Aligoté wines.
The area of the Bourgogne Aligoté appellation is entwined with that of the Bourgogne appellation.
It spreads across 384 villages of the Yonne, Côte d’Or, Saône et Loire, and Rhône departments. Starting in the North, from the region of Chablis and Auxerre, to the South in the region of Macon, and passing through the Côte d’Or and the Côte Chalonnaise, the Bourgogne Aligoté wines stem from very diverse terroirs.
This appellation is produced with a single grape variety, the Aligoté, known in Burgundy since the 17th century. This unique grape variety is not very common in the rest of the world; it covers 1500 hectares in Burgundy.
Tasting notes
Colour: golden green color.
Nose: finesse and fruit (green apple), with a few complementary hints of acidity.
Palate: the pleasant acidity and nice fruitiness mix together perfectly. A duo that brings freshness and firmness. A well balanced wine with a long finish.
Food and wine pairing
This wine will be the ideal accompaniment to a plate of seafood, as well as sushi and sashimi . It also pairs well with a tsukemono, asparagus in cream sauce, avocado purée, a plate of cured meats, spinach in cream, fried or grilled fish, and with a Comté cheese. Also excellent as an apéritif, served with a splash of Cassis liquor – this famous drink is called the « Kir ».
Serving suggestions
Serve at a temperature around 11-12°C.
Ageing potential
Enjoy this wine while it is young, in its first year, in order to take advantage of all of its freshness. It can also be kept in the cellar for two or three years in optimal conditions.
Vinification and maturing
After moderate pressing, the musts are left to settle then the wine is fermented in heat-regulated vats. Malo-lactic fermentation is done and the wine is aged in stainless steel vats.
Vintage : 2016
It's been a long time since winegrowers had not had to bear a long hard way to give birth to a new vintage. During the months of April, May and June 2016, they suffered the dramatic consequences of freezing, hail falls, downy mildew attacks, fears of powdery mildew, etc. Many are those who suffered very hard from these vagaries of the weather, to the point of sometime wishing that year ends as soon as possible and doubt of the future. Finally, July and then August and September, with the full sun, made forget a little of the trouble and return the morale in the vineyard.
In Burgundy, during the harvest, the vines were green but a lot, however, hid under their foliage, a lack of grapes. Burgundy this year still produces a small crop, even very small for some names (Chablis). But for saved vineyards and those who could enjoy a "push", the grapes were at the rendezvous, in good proportion. When the winemaker, this year of 2016, brought all the necessary care to this vine battered by successive storms and managed to bring the fruit to mature, so wines are of good quality. They are concentrated, with enough silky tannin, and have an acidic balance of good quality
It is therefore a year of "winegrower and winemaker", which will make a qualitative difference. This turbulence will not have been enough to begin our morale and we are proud to introduce you to the vintage 2016.