Grape varietals
The area which constitutes the Bourgogne appellation spreads across 384 villages of the Yonne, Côte d’Or, Saône et Loire, and Rhône departments. Starting in the North, from the region of Chablis and Auxerre, to the South in the region of Macon, and passing through the Côte d’Or and the Côte Chalonnaise, the Bourgogne wines stem from very diverse terroirs. This Bourgogne blanc is a blend of Chardonnay grapes from different areas in order to benefit from the freshness, minerality, and liveliness of the northern wines, the structure and roundness of the wines from the Mâconnais and the Côte Chalonnaise, and finally, the power and complexity of the Côte d’Or wines.
Tasting notes
Colour: pale yellow with green reflect, limpid and brilliant.
Nose: intense, delicately woody (vanilla) with lemon and citrus aromas, very fresh.
Palate: the mouth is racy with typical flavours of Burgundian chardonnay: citrus, minerality, vanilla, delicately spicy (toasted French oak barrel), ample and generous, a very nice character, very well balanced, delicious.
Food and wine pairing
This wine will be perfect paired with a Comté tart, a plate of cured meats, pigs’ feet, a plate of seafood, or a cheese such as the Beaufort.
Serving suggestions
Ageing potential
This wine has to be appreciated when young, 2 to 4 years after the vintage.
Vinification and maturing
Serious taken out on the vineyard and when the grapes arrives on the facilities. After pressing the grapes, a cold settling of 24 hours at 8°C is applied. A large racking to take out the bad lies, the wine is placed on fermented (current and stainless steel tank) selected yeast. Fermentation alcoholic under temperature-control 16°/18°C. Maturing process one tank and a part on barrel (50%) during six months
Vintage : 2016
It's been a long time since winegrowers had not had to bear a long hard way to give birth to a new vintage. During the months of April, May and June 2016, they suffered the dramatic consequences of freezing, hail falls, downy mildew attacks, fears of powdery mildew, etc. Many are those who suffered very hard from these vagaries of the weather, to the point of sometime wishing that year ends as soon as possible and doubt of the future. Finally, July and then August and September, with the full sun, made forget a little of the trouble and return the morale in the vineyard.
In the South of the France and the Valley of the Rhone, despite some bad weather, the harvest is average in terms of volume but of good quality with concentrated red wines, rich and fairly well balanced. White wines have a little more suffered from this strong summer heat
In Burgundy, during the harvest, the vines were green but a lot, however, hid under their foliage, a lack of grapes. Burgundy this year still produces a small crop, even very small for some names (Chablis). But for saved vineyards and those who could enjoy a "push", the grapes were at the rendezvous, in good proportion. When the winemaker, this year of 2016, brought all the necessary care to this vine battered by successive storms and managed to bring the fruit to mature, so wines are of good quality. They are concentrated, with enough silky tannin, and have an acidic balance of good quality
It is therefore a year of "winegrower and winemaker", which will make a qualitative difference. This turbulence will not have been enough to begin our morale and we are proud to introduce you to the vintage 2016.